A night vigil is a period of intentional sleeplessness and prayer which takes place all through the night, which is aimed at moving God's hand to release Divine Favour and intervention.

As we all know, there is power in midnight prayer. Midnight is the hour of battle in the heavenly places. It is the hour which Satan and his agents put in action their main plans.


  • Night vigil is a Holy Sacrifice which when done with a heart full of love, it reinforces one's relationship with his/her heavenly father. It is an act of self denial just like fasting which lowers the body for God's glory.

    And because you are willing and have sacrificed your sleep because of the love in your heart for God, he will uplift you to higher spiritual levels where you can experience him at a closer range.

  • The more you are concerned about God's kingdom, the more He will provide quick answers to your prayers. By happily embracing Night Vigils, you are developing a heart which goes after the things of God.

    And whenever you call unto him, he will hear and answer you just as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

  • Through a sacrificial sleepless night in order to praise and worship God, you'll obtain his unmerited mercy through Jesus Christ. Truth be told, we have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory. And it is not human effort that leads to the forgiveness of sins but God's unmerited love and grace.

  • By sacrificing a night of sleep to praise and worship God, you'll certainly obtain his favor and blessings.

    These blessings will follow you in all your activities and plans. And for sure, when God is with you, no one can successfully be against you. Your plans will end up seeing the light of day. You will live to testify the goodness of God in your life.

  • When our savior Jesus Christ was physically departing from the Earth, he promised not to leave us alone but to send a helper in the person of the Holy Spirit.

    Partaking in a night vigil creates a Holy environment through which the Holy Spirit can provide the help and direction which you need in life.

  • While on Earth, we are in a continuous spiritual battle with the devil and his agents. They are fighting to distract our hearts from the love of God through power, wealth, and other Earthly things. And for us to remain faithful to God, we need to be in an attitude of prayer asking for the grace and strength to overcome all temptations from the devil.

“But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.”

Acts 16:25-26